Our Philosophy

What We Offer

Our ApprOAch To DOG TRaining

At Cornerstone our aim is to help your dog develop a strong foundation upon which solid life skills such as sitting quietly in the café (or pub!) or enjoying walks together can be possible.

With gentle, step by step understanding and various exercises and modalities, we work with the dog and their human guardian to discover the causes of the unwanted behaviour, building trust and increasing confidence.

The Initial Assessment session

The initial assessment session  gives us time to meet you and your dog at your home. We may discuss some simple changes to their daily management to really set your dog up for success.

We will also develop an individual training plan  that will include some or all of the following:

Enrichment Activities

This could be anything from snuffle mats, cardboard boxes, likit mats, kongs, scatter feeding etc to help your dog engage their brain and fulfil some of their basic needs. There are so many benefits to this type of activity and its so much fun to do with your dog!

Structured Training of Core Skills

At Cornerstone we believe in laying a strong foundation of education upon which all other learning can build from. This includes skills such as Sit, Down, Settle, Recall, Retrieve, Touch etc

Games Based Training

These games are woven into training, complimenting the more structured skills and really bring the fun, energy and enthusiasm to our sessions!


Whilst we do train specific tasks and skills, some of the learning takes a less formal approach, allowing the dog to take the lead. I particularly love this sort of work as there is no right or wrong, only discovery and new experiences.

I will be adding more information about this on the website soon.


At Cornerstone our aim is to help your dog develop a strong foundation upon which solid life skills such as sitting quietly in the café (or pub!) or enjoying walks together can be possible.

With gentle, step by step understanding and various exercises and modalities, we work with the dog and their human guardian to discover the causes of the unwanted behaviour, building trust and increasing confidence.

The Initial Assessment session

The initial assessment session  gives us time to meet you and your dog at your home. We may discuss some simple changes to their daily management to really set your dog up for success. We will also develop an individual training plan  that will include some or all of the following:

Enrichment Activities

This could be anything from snuffle mats, cardboard boxes, likit mats, kongs, scatter feeding etc to help your dog engage their brain and fulfil some of their basic needs. There are so many benefits to this type of activity and its so much fun to do with your dog!

Structured Training of Core Skills

At Cornerstone we believe in laying a strong foundation of education upon which all other learning can build from. This includes skills such as Sit, Down, Settle, Recall, Retrieve, Touch etc

Games Based Training

These games are woven into training, complimenting the more structured skills and really bring the fun, energy and enthusiasm to our sessions!


Whilst we do train specific tasks and skills, some of the learning takes a less formal approach, allowing the dog to take the lead. I particularly love this sort of work as there is no right or wrong, only discovery and new experiences.

I will be adding more information about this on the website soon.

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